Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fascinating Flowers

These are a few of the first photos taken with my new macro lens.

I'll be the first to admit that the picture needs help in the lighting department, but I love the way part of the photo is in focus and part not. And I love the little bits of pollen which cling to a couple of the petals.

 I really enjoy photographing flowers because of the varying colors, shapes, textures and configurations. They make my spirit soar.

I hope these please you as much as they do me.

Which is your favorite and why?

1 comment:

  1. Numbers 2 and 3. Two has that little twist of integrating another something on the right that makes the composition interesting. Three is just a delightful color combination. Remember how I've often said I love pictures of roads cause they always make me want to write a story about them. With enough imagination I could probably do the same with the flowers. I must be very Rohorshaked (spelling is off) but I do remember that test from grad school days.
