Monday, January 4, 2010

50 in 52 Journey

CBS News Sunday Morning has done it again.

They are amazing in their ability to uncover human interest stories of the highest order. This time they came through with an awesome birthday present for me. The story is about one woman's drive (literally) to find those people in each of the 50 states who make a difference in their communities. Dafna Michaelson's mission was called 50 by 52 Journey, and it was completed, successfully, just before the end of 2009. As she tells it, at one point she was ready to give up. The money, including proceeds from her 401K, had dried up. She had no way to carry on. When her fiance came through for her, she was able to complete her journey, and she has inspired many of us along the way.

Check her out on Facebook, and read about the continuation of her journey at The Journey Institute.

You may remember a post a couple of weeks back in which I talk about a long-lost friend who has made a tremendous difference in his field and how I regretted that I couldn't point to such an accomplishment in my own. As Betty commented, ever the supportive friend, each of us does make a difference, each in our own way. Although I appreciate her thoughts in that regard, I still want to do more, and I want to discover that part of my psyche that dances because I have found just the right niche.

In one way I've come really close on those occasions when I've volunteered at the Visitors' Bureau, making Yosemite come alive for visitors approaching her for the first time. There's been a real spark in my soul when someone says, "Judi, you've turned my day around. I was not having a good time until I met you," or "wow, you've given me a ton of great information. I'm really going to enjoy my visit now." It's happened more than once. Maybe that's the direction I'm supposed to travel.

Reading about Dafna's determination and drive tells me that the answers are out there. While they are amorphous yet, they will appear according to Divine Right Order. Keeping an open mind and an open ear will allow them to surface at just the right time. I'm going to read her blog from the beginning to understand what others are doing in their communities and gain ideas of what I can do for mine.

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