Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Tiny Bit of Housekeeping

Greetings, all!

This is a bit of a break in our regular blogging routine to let you in on a tip or two.

I really, really, really, really love comments.

I *want* you to let me know you've read an entry and what you think about it. Because of that and, in order to make things easier for readers/commenters, I've changed the way the blog handles comments.

From now on you will not have to create an account of any kind in order to post comments. But I have enabled  moderation so that I can look at what's said before it goes public. This is so I can catch any spam or otherwise inappropriate posts. (As an FYI I've had a couple of posts which have been in an Oriental language, which I don't read or understand. I deleted those forthwith, but they were already public on the site by that time.)

Don't be surprised, therefore, when what you've written doesn't appear immediately.

Also. . . for some future posts, I *may* decide to "hide" comments for a period of time, usually when I've asked a question where I don't want anyone's answers influenced by anyone else's. Don't worry. I'll open 'em back up post haste.

Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Great - however, my comments are to you alone, so please keep it that way. Love always, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
