Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Travelin' On . . .

Although this crisis in my life actually occurred two weeks ago yesterday, I haven't blogged about it before because I just finally wrapped my mind around the fact that she's gone.

Gone, as in picked up (some of) her stuff, flew off to Colorado . . . just so she could move to Arkansas.


Truthfully, I knew she was going to move somewhere, but I thought it was likely to be Africa, Apparently she took a wrong turn somewhere and, as I write, should be in a caravan with her son and daughter-in-law, making their way toward Texarkana.

Two days before she boarded the plane for Colorado Springs to meet up with her family, she called me and announced she and her buddy Taz were leaving. Just like that. It wasn't a *total* surprise because she'd told me her DiL, Jenia, was facing a job change which might involve a major move and that she might go back there to help the family out.

Who the heck am I talking about?

Gosh, if I looked like this on my birthday, I might leave the state, too.

I'm talking about my friend Pat. My traveling companion buddy. My Hollywood Bowl buddy. My American Ballet Theatre buddy. The person who, if I said, "you wanna explore the Eastern Sierras?" would always reply, "how soon do you want me there?" The one with whom I first discovered the beauty of Sedona many years ago. The one who explored the Napa wine country with me last June.

From now on it's gonna take just a little longer for us to get together, I reckon.

Despite how it looks, I'm really not whining. Not much, anyway.

Pat has wanted to make a change for a long, long time. We've talked about it for years. She's also wanted to make a difference, and that's why she took major steps toward entering the Peace Corps in 2010 (at 70 years old! Way to go!). Although the destination has changed--and I'm thrilled, because Arkansas is a lot closer than Africa--she's still going to be able to make a difference. She'll have time to spend with her granddaughter, Stasia, as well as son Kirk and DiL Jenia. Knowing how much it meant to Pat to be able to assist her grandson, Devin, with his homework in his earlier years and to play a major part in his life, I understand that this is a great opportunity for her to do the same for Stasia.

At this point I can't wait to hear from her that they've made it safely and are getting settled in their new locale. When we last talked, just before Christmas, they were expecting to arrive sometime on Wednesday.

Best of luck to you, dear pal. I miss you!


  1. Dearest Judi,
    I'm sure that via the 'net you and Pat will continue your great friendship and adventures just as we do, with the added benefit of Arkansas being a little closer than the Jordan Valley.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, Betty & the Bear

  2. My dearest friend, just got a chance to read this and I'm so touched. Yes, we are more than a few hundred miles away as when I was in So Cal, but as Betty said, thanks to the Net we are still connected. AND, I still have family in So Cal so I'll be back at least a couple of times a year and we will get together. Since I can actually afford to live in this area, I will have more disposable money so an occasional flight to Fresno will not be out of bounds. Besides we still need to do the photo shoot and by the time we do, you will be so adept with the lens I'll look you and miss you... est moi
