Saturday, August 8, 2009

Consider It a Miracle!

It didn't last long, but from somewhere I got a burst of energy and actually did some cleaning around here. I washed the bathroom floor. (Sorry, Pat--it's like closing the barn door after the horse, I know.) I washed the bathroom rugs, scrubbed the kitchen floor, emptied the dishwasher, changed the bed, even attempted to vacuum the living room. (It's a chore with the two vacuums available to me.)

Scared myself, too, because I left the doors between the laundry room and the bathroom open. In most houses that wouldn't be an issue, but I have Grey Eagle, a 19.5 year-old declawed cat who can exit the pet door and get outside, whereupon he cowers in abject fear of the Great Outdoors and finds himself a place to hide for the next few hours.

The dog, of course, shakes and shivers when I shove her anywhere near the dreaded escape route. If there were ever any doubt whether dogs are smarter than cats . . . CATS RULE!

This all happened because I slept late--7:00 a.m.--and couldn't muster the wherewithall to go for my morning walk. Now that's totally ridiculous. But the good news is that the floors are clean, the rugs shampooed--all because I was too lazy to go for a walk.

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