Sunday, January 3, 2010

Birthday Joy

I don't do birthdays. I keep telling everyone that, but for some reason no one believes me. This is not a new thing. As long as I can remember, I have never wanted to become a year older. Those landmarks most kids live for (16, 21, etc.), I despised. Of course, they came and went anyway.

But for a day that doesn't exist, this one has been awesome so far (and it's only 9:15 a.m.).

The day actually began yesterday with an opportunity to Instant Message with my dearest, bestest friend Betty, who lives on the other side of the world. As we chatted, it became my birthday in her part of the world, so for the first time in many, many years, I got to spend that special day with her. We don't get to connect live-and-in-person very often, but it happened yesterday. She's someone who never, ever forgets a birthday or any other special occasion for that matter, and of course an e-card was waiting for me this morning when I logged on.

Yesterday I also got to Skype with friend Pat, another friend of long standing, who just moved to Arkansas. With Skype--what a wonderful invention--it's like we're in the same room together rather than a thousand miles apart. The world is definitely shrinking.

As soon as I logged on this morning, I had a call from older daughter Farida, along with Jason and Hunter. They sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and she asked me to come up for chicken curry, a hike and a visit. In a rare show of good judgment, I declined, deciding that I really need to follow my established plan of kicking this cold in the gut and getting rid of it once and for all. 

Also enjoyed a conference call with Nasreen and another round of "Happy Birthday" with the entire tribe. Hunter has really gotten into birthdays since just before his own number four less than a month ago. He now can get through the entire song.

I also refused the invite of other long-term friend Jenny and husband Jack to go up to her house and bead, for the same reason.

But I have not been shirking my responsibilities this morning, as I have cleaned and refilled my animals' vat of water, cleaned Grey Eagle's litter box, mopped the bathroom floor and done two loads of laundry. Life is good, very good.

Soooooooo, the rest of the day is going to be quiet, with just friends Foxy and Grey Eagle to keep me company.

Another important birthday gift this date deserves its own separate post.

Photo credits:

(1) Carnation - Judi (with 50mm 2.8 macro lens given to me by Nasreen)

(2) Farida & Hunter - Jason, Christmas day

(3) Jason & Hunter - Farida, Christmas day

(4) Nasreen & Hunter - Judi, Christmas Eve

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